Share your Tech Lockdown Account

Invite other members to aid in accountability or utilize your content policy.

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Tech Lockdown Team
Updated August 22, 2024

Some of the use-cases for account sharing include:

  • Personalized rules: apply certain rules to some people, not everyone.
  • Management and oversight: Admins can see recent and popular DNS logs as well as a history of changes on the account. For example, Content Policy change history. Admins can also customize the content policy and update settings on the account.

Managing Account Membership

Invite Members

To invite a member, follow these steps:

Accepting an Account Invite

The invited person will receive an invitation email with a link to accept the invite.

If the invited person does not already have a login to Tech Lockdown, here are the steps that would occur from the invited person's point of view:

If the invited person already has a Tech Lockdown login, here are the steps that would occur from the invited person's point of view:

Leaving an Account

You may choose to leave an account you were invited to. Here are the steps to follow:

Frequently Asked Questions

What information does an invited user have access to?

A member can access all features other than the billing section. Only the account owner can access billing.

Why should I invite someone to my Tech Lockdown account?

You can create Content Policy rules that only apply to a specific person, which is ideal in a multi-person household. For example, you might want to block Gmail after dinner for yourself, but not block it for everyone in your house.

Also, if you are trying to build healthier online habits, it's helpful to have a trusted person who can see changes to your Content Policy as well as DNS traffic logs.

Does Profile Locking impact other people sharing my Tech Lockdown accunt?

Profile locking is unique to your Tech Lockdown login and the restrictions you apply to yourself won't impact other users.

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Content Policy

Content Policy Quickstart

Unlock powerful filtering and device management capabilities with a Content Policy.

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